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Last Minute Relationship Fixes December 19, 2016 |
Greetings Everyone, Welcome To The Latest Issue Of Relationships Matter!
HELLO from Richard Hamon, LMFT . . . Welcome to the Holiday issue of Relationships Matter! My topics for this issue are listed below. Click on the articles you want to read. Last Minute Relationship Fixes: How to Improve Your Relationships Right Now How to Beat the Holiday Blues A simple cure that really works now and later on . . . Simply be less critical of others, and more accepting of their faults or flaws. Decreasing the amount of criticism that is expressed in the relationship(or negativity) is a powerful way to improve your partner's happiness and to make your relationship a thing of beauty and joy. Being critical and finding fault may seem like the right thing to do, but it never is. . You can make a decision to do better right now. Instead of being critical, strive to see why a person struggles or has certain faults. Try to understand. Be accepting. All of us are flawed. Why harp on your partner's shortcomings? You'll get nothing out of it. But trouble. There is no earthly purpose served by criticism. It just puts the other person down, and they often perceive it as an attack. How do you like being criticized and condemned? Make the Commitment Right Now Stop criticizing your relationship partner and become more accepting of his/her faults. Your relationship will improve dramatically. If you want your partner to change, there are better ways to go about it than criticizing, blaming, "terribilizing" or showering your partner with punishments of various sorts. Take a tip from any Near Death Experiencer, and focus on the attributes of others, not their faults, and you'll see just how amazingly wonderful the people around you really are . . . . . . and you can love them with a full, open and forgiving heart. Try This Challenge If you want to rebuild a relationship or solve a relationship problem, try being more positive in the way you see and treat your partner. Give up the nasty, unproductive habit of criticism and blame-placing, and you'll watch your relationship grow by leaps and bounds. Criticism is a happiness destroyer. In Sum Reward, praise and positive feedback are ten times more effective in shaping behavior than punishment. Most people aren't very good at heaping praise on, but we should all learn. If you want to change someone's life, forget about using punishment, and count on going with reward. It works and it changes people for the better. Free Content I have written many articles on how to solve mental health and relational problems over the past several years. Many are stored on my website and others can be linked to at Please help yourself to the articles, learn and enjoy! And, let me know if you'd like for me to write something on a different topic. You'll find my original eBooks for sale on the website, too, which go into some detail and offer clinical insights and pointers that can help you navigate life's shark-infested waters. Go to: and check them out: 1. "Relationship Gold" 2. "The Ultimate Relationship Solution" 3. "The Secret to Happiness" or what I like to refer to as the Happiness Prescription, my newest eBook Relationship Gold is my most popular book (some people use it as a guide or resource, to help them rebuild a troubled relationship or affair-proof a marriage. If you're interested in Finding Help for These Problems:try reading the free articles on my site, and don't forget to look for past issues of the eZine. You'll find help with situations like these: 1. You and your partner can't stop fighting 2. You’re about to give up on your relationship or marriage 3. You have lost an important relationship and don’t know how to get it back 4. You want to make your good romantic relationship bullet-proof, affair-proof and cutting edge 5. You want to enjoy all the benefits your relationships can give you, but feel your relationships are not reaching their potential 6. You’re stuck in a relationship rut, you’ve lost your passion and you want to re-invigorate your relationship 7. Your romantic life has hit rock-bottom, or has been slipping, and you want to re-ignite your sex life and make it sizzle again 8. You’re still holding on to your relationship, but you and your partner have grown distant from each other, and you want to be best friends again and communicate better 9. You let your relationship go, while you attended to other things, but time has gone by and now you can’t seem to get your relationship back on track 10. You want to take your relationships more seriously, and get more out of them, but you aren’t sure how to go about it If you’d like more information on my articles, eBooks or Relaxation/Stress Management tapes, please go to my website at Thanks for reading The Hamon Group, LLC newsletter everyone, and have a great day. I’ll see you again soon. Richard E. Hamon, LMFT Licensed Therapist & Certified Coach
Ezine ArticlesMore of My WritingsIn addition to writing articles for Happy, I write articles for, and they have the articles published with magazines and newsletters on the internet. In the past few years, I have written over 100 articles on all kinds of mental health and self-improvement topics, such as depression and anxiety, loneliness, leadership and management, happiness, relationships, Near Death Experiences, meditation, hypnosis, parenting strong, resilient kids, and interpreting your dreams, etc. If you'd like to see some of my MOST POPULAR articles, or my NEWEST articles, feel free to run over to, and look up my author's page. Get the links below . . .
Go to my Happy Relationships website here.
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