Many adults have undiagnosed ADHD, which adversely impacts their careers and personal lives. Often ADHD is at the root of a communication problem. Partners need to understand how ADHD can affect communication and work to help the ADHD partner overcome their inattentive, impulsive and emotionally reactive tendencies.
Employers can help ADHD employees achieve more and become more successful by working to help them offset those tendencies. A supportive supervisor can make a big difference in the ADHD employee's on-the-job success by giving them extra help around organization and follow-through.
In a troubled romantic relationship, it is important to know if one or both partners has some form of ADHD. Otherwise, problems caused or exacerbated by the condition may be blamed on something else, and the couple may struggle with chronic communication problems.
There are behavioral strategies adults or children with ADHD can employ to achieve a greater level of satisfaction in every aspect of their lives, and to fulfill their potential for success.
Read the articles below to learn more . . .
Attention Deficit Disorder Affects Relationships
Attention Deficit Disorders
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